Check out Recently Sold Homes in your local neighbourhood and latest Real Estate Market Stats
Check out local Real Estate Market Stats for Greater Toronto Area and recently sold homes. You can drill down to your local neighbourhood and see what sold recently

If you're thinking about buying a home in the Greater Toronto Area, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the local real estate market. This includes researching recently sold homes and checking key market metrics like price trends, sales volume, and average days on market. One excellent resource for obtaining this information is my website which is You can effortlessly search for sold home data based on location and other criteria and view critical metrics that show how the market is performing overall. So if you're looking to get an idea of what's going on in your neighbourhood or city, then be sure to check out
Steps to checking the latest local real estate market stats:
Step 1: Visit this site-

Step 2: Choose the criteria based on what property you are looking for, i.e how many bedrooms and bathrooms, type of home, price point, city and neighbourhood.

Step 3: Click on the small bar graph below the filters

Step 4: See price point change - you can see there the average sold price, year over year percentage price, average days on market, and the number of transactions.

Steps to checking out recently sold homes in your community, city or street
Step 1: Log in to the my website to have an access to the recently sold homes. It's free to access this information. Unfortunately, due to Toronto Real Estate Board rules, we require everyone to sign in to see sold home prices.

Step 2: Choose the criteria from the filter menu, i.e how many bedrooms and bathrooms, type of home, price point, city and neighbourhood.

Step 3: Select “Recently Sold” for the first filter called Property

The properties will show up with the most recently sold and you can see what has happened in the past 60 days in your community
You can zoom in on the map to see the recently sold properties in the specific street or complex
If you need help, don't hesitate to contact me directly. You can reach me at 647-576-2100.